How can we help?


What time can you check in?

It is possible to check-in with the hotel staff during the morning, or independently, after contacting the reception for instructions.

How to check in independently?

Outside the structure you will find a box in the shape of an aluminum house (as in the photo) where you can dial a simple personalized numeric code. The code to enter will be sent at the time of booking.

Are pets allowed?

Small pets are allowed upon request with fee.

May I change my reservation?

The reservation can be changed, at the discretion of the customer, even if confirmed with payment, the regulation common to all hotel structures applies.

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What meals are included with the booking?

The rate of each room includes breakfast for each guest. Breakfast is served from 8.00 to 10.00 and is prepared internally at the property

Is lunch or dinner served by the property?

Only during the summer period is it possible to request lunch to be prepared, upon reservation during breakfast time. The proposed menu includes cold dishes typical of Tuscan cuisine. Alternatively, throughout the year, we will provide information on typical restaurants nearby, both for lunch and dinner.

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How can you get to Poggio Desto?

It is possible to get to Poggio Desto with your own vehicle or using the Autolinee Toscane bus with different times depending on the period, with a convenient stop in front of the structure.

Is it possible to request a taxi service?

Yes, you can request a taxi service.

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How do you access the swimming pool?

The use of the outdoor swimming pool is for the exclusive use of B&B guests. Can be accessed from the early hours of the morning until 7/8pm. The use of headphones is not mandatory. The swimming pool is on two levels, one of 1.50 m and the other of 80 cm for the little ones.

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Does the property have internal parking?

Inside the structure you can find two private parking spaces with fence

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call us
0573 735674
write us an email here.
Via Bonaccorso da Montemagno 45/a
Località Montemagno
2 km from Santonuovo traffic lights
51039 - Quarrata (PT)